当院内科では、医学雑誌New England Journal of Medicineに毎週掲載されるCase Recordsを丁寧に読み込み、論理的な臨床診断の考え方を学んでいます。詳細に検討された医学論文を毎週読むことで、医学的知識が豊富になるだけでなく、一流と言われる医師の臨床論考の過程をたどることは、日常臨床における論理的思考法を身につける上でも非常に役に立ちます。特に月はじめに掲載されるClinical Problem-Solvingについては、研修医をpresentor役とdiscussor役、各科専門医をファシリテイターにした、問題解決型のカンファレンスの教材に使用しています。以下に、New England journal of MedicineのClinical Problem-Solvingを使用した、当院の問題解決型カンファレンスの記事を掲載します。参考にしてください。
- 2022/04/19 Craving Answers
- 2022/04/12 Confusion and Representative Restraint: An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning 錯乱状態と典型例による拘束 臨床的推論に関する考察
- 2022/04/12 Confusion and Representative Restraint: An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning TTP
- 2022/03/22 Case 5-2022: A 65-Year-Old Woman with Rapidly Progressive Weakness in the Right Arm and Recurrent Falls
- 2022/03/15 Case 4-2022: A 55-Year-Old Man with Bilateral Hearing Loss and Eye Redness 梅毒
- 2022/03/15 Case 4-2022: A 55-Year-Old Man with Bilateral Hearing Loss and Eye Redness 両耳難聴と目の充血の55歳男性
- 2022/03/08 Calm before the Storm
- 2022/02/22 Confused about Confusion
- 2022/02/15 Buried Deep
- 2022/02/08 Case 40-2021: A 9-Year-Old Boy with Transient Weakness, Facial Droop, and Slurred Speech
- 2022/01/11 A “Fluid” Diagnosis
- 2021/12/28 A 50-Year-Old Woman with Pain in the Left Upper Quadrant and Hypoxemia
- 2021/12/21 Falling Through the Cracks 一過性意識消失(失神)
- 2021/12/21 Falling Through the Cracks 4日前に転倒し頭痛が続く61歳男性
- 2021/12/14 Case 34-2021: A 38-Year-Old Man with Altered Mental Status and New Onset of Seizures 痙攣(てんかん)
- 2021/12/14 Case 34-2021: A 38-Year-Old Man with Altered Mental Status and New Onset of Seizures 意識状態の変化と痙攣の38歳男性
- 2021/12/07 Copycat
- 2021/11/30 Hearts and Minds AMA
- 2021/11/30 Hearts and Minds 重度の胸骨裏面痛を呈した多リスク因子の70歳男性
- 2021/11/09 Case 31-2021: A 21-Year-Old Man with Sore Throat, Epistaxis, and Oropharyngeal Petechiae 汎血球減少
- 2021/11/09 Case 31-2021: A 21-Year-Old Man with Sore Throat, Epistaxis, and Oropharyngeal Petechiae 咽頭痛,鼻出血,口腔咽頭の点状出血の21歳男性
- 2021/11/02 Hard to Swallow 危険な咽頭痛
- 2021/11/02 Hard to Swallow 咽頭痛,倦怠感,咳、悪寒の20歳女性
- 2021/10/11 Inadequate Support
- 2021/09/28 Case 25-2021: A 48-Year-Old Man with Fatigue and Leg Swelling
- 2021/09/21 Case 24-2021: A 63-Year-Old Woman with Fever, Sore Throat, and Confusion
- 2021/09/14 Turning Purple with Pain
- 2021/09/07 Case 23-2021: A 41-Year-Old Woman with Bloody Stools and Thrombocytopenia
- 2021/08/31 Case 22-2021: A 64-Year-Old Woman with Cognitive Impairment, Headache, and Memory Loss
- 2021/08/24 Case 21-2021: A 33-Year-Old Pregnant Woman with Fever, Abdominal Pain, and Headache
- 2021/08/10 A Brewing Back Pain
- 2021/08/03 Case 19-2021: A 54-Year-Old Man with Irritability, Confusion, and Odd Behaviors
- 2021/07/27 Case 18-2021: An 81-Year-Old Man with Cough, Fever, and Shortness of Breath
- 2021/07/20 Case 17-2021: An 82-Year-Old Woman with Pain, Swelling, and Ecchymosis of the Left Arm
- 2021/07/13 Hypertensive Heartbreak
- 2021/04/27 Case 8-2021 A 34-Year-Old Woman with Cholangiocarcinoma
- 2021/04/20 Case 7-2021 A 19-Year-Old Man with Shock, Multiple Organ Failure, and Rash
- 2021/04/13 A Treacherous Course
- 2020/09/29 20200929-Reversible Cause of Neuropathy and Monoclonal Gammopathy of Renal Significance
- 2020/09/08 20200825-Case 27-2020: A 53-Year-Old Woman with Headache and Gait Imbalance
- 2020/09/01 20200901-Case 26-2020: A 60-Year-Old Woman with Altered Mental Status and Weakness on the Left Side
- 2020/08/25 Led Astray
- 2020/08/18 Case 25-2020: A 47-Year-Old Woman with a Lung Mass
- 2020/08/04 Case 24-2020: A 44-Year-Old Woman with Chest Pain, Dyspnea, and Shock
- 2020/07/28 A Fiery Pivot -Clinical Care Conundrums-
- 2020/07/21 Cryptic Cachexia 謎の悪液質
- 2020/07/14 A Protean Protein -Clinical Care Conundrums-
- 2020/07/07 Last Resort -Clinical Care Conundrums-
- 2020/06/30 Case 18-2020: A 73-Year-Old Man with Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure and Cardiac Dysfunction
- 2020/06/23 The Game Is Afoot
- 2020/06/16 Case 17-2020: A 68-Year-Old Man with Covid-19 and Acute Kidney Injury
- 2020/06/09 Case 15-2020: A 79-Year-Old Man with Hyponatremia and Involuntary Movements of the Arm and Face
- 2020/06/02 Hiding in the Water
- 2020/05/26 Case 14-2020 関節痛と眼の充血の37歳男性
- 2020/05/19 Case 13-2020 高血圧,腎不全,血尿の29歳男性
- 2020/05/12 Case 12-2020 発熱,咳,呼吸困難の24歳男性
- 2020/04/28 Case 11-2020 顔面下垂,構音障害,腎不全の37歳男性
- 2020/04/21 Case 10-2020 汎血球減少症と急性腎不全の83歳男性
- 2020/04/14 Missing the Target 左下腹部痛,その後腹部・腰・鼠径部の激痛が出現した58歳男性
- 2020/03/31 CASE 9-2020 息切れ・咳嗽・低酸素血症の64歳男性
- 2020/03/24 Case 8-2020 腹痛と血便が再発する89歳男性
- 2020/03/17 Under Our Very Eyes心臓移植から7週間後に発熱した64歳男性
- 2020/03/10 Case 6-2020 高血糖の34歳女性
- 2020/03/03 A Rapid Change in Pressure 6週間の増悪する労作時呼吸困難の74歳女性
- 2020/02/18 Case 3-2020:44歳の男性,体重減少,下痢,腹痛
- 2020/01/28 When the Cause Is Not Crystal Clear 繰り返す転倒・めまい・傾眠の慢性腎不全の55歳女性
- 2020/01/21 Case 40-2019 頭痛の26歳帰国女性
- 2020/01/14 Case 38-2019 呼吸困難と胸部画像の異常の20歳男性
- 2020/01/07 Facing uncertaint 1年前からの掻痒のある顔面発疹の57歳女性